Let's have another entry from le Dictionnaire Satyrique! Dadais. Mot injurieux, qui veut dire, sot, bête, niais, innocent, dandin. C'est le plus dadais que j'aye jamais vu, Molière , Bourg. Gentih. Notes (with appreciation to and wikipedia): Even as a child, Molière (1622-1673) thought it was a heck of a lot more fun to taunt and mimic the aristocracy than to associate with them. Born to un des valets de chambre tapissiers (upholsterers for the king's court), he never showed any real interest for the business of upholstering. But his father's shop was located near the Pont-Neuf, where comedians performed farces in the street in order to promote and sell patent medicines to those passing by. Exposure to this led to a deep interest in the theatre, and years later, on the evening of October 24, 1658, Molière and his troupe performed for the first time before Louis XIV and his courtiers in the Guard Room of th...